Like every business 11890 has its competitors but after purchasing GeoDirectory’s knowledge database, it is now the only directory enquiries service in Ireland providing its customers with a free text-back service that includes a link to a map with the exact location of their enquiry listed on it. That’s why 11890 Directory Services calls itself ‘the Search Ninja’. It’s their key differentiator.
Phone any ‘ordinary’ directory service and they’ll send you a phone number. Phone 11890 and they’ll send you the number along with detailed directions and a map to the restaurant, hotel, shop or post office that you’ve requested. Your smartphone can even talk you to the exact location you’re looking for, saving you stress, time and effort.
11890 aims to make its customer experience the best available and that’s why they chose the power of GeoDirectory for business. So, if you’re looking a Tasty Bite in Kiltimagh, a Breffni Bar in Blackrock or a Hungry Monk in Greystones, just ring 11890. They’ll text back both the phone number and location, and using the GeoDirectory data your smartphone will guide you directly to your seat or bar stool. And once you’re happily ensconced you can have a look around, via GeoDirectory’s 11890 supplied map, as to what else there is to do in the area.
It’s a ‘value add’ on top of a ‘value add’
11890 has a database of over 2 million Irish residential numbers but due to Data Protection legislation they’re not permitted to attach a map or pinpoint, for privacy reasons, to any residential listing. However, to overcome this people continue to ask in the age old Irish way, which pub or church is beside the listing and thanks to GeoDirectory’s database 11890 customers can be first to the party at their friends’ new apartment with the ‘not quite remembered properly’ address.
Then again, sometimes it’s more convenient to chase an address on your laptop rather than on your phone. Recognising this and wishing to satisfy customer demand, 11890 embraced social media so that an address can be found, via the 11890 website and on other online media as well – including Facebook where they already have 11,000 fans! Using online media doesn’t mean self-harm to the business’s bottom line though, because online presents a powerful opportunity to sell advertising around the information being sought. For example, somebody looking for a SamHire outlet is very likely to want a paint shop or a garden shop close by. This advertising is highly targeted as GeoDirectory’s classification of businesses, using NACE codes to help with their classifications, can ensure advertisers find the right demographic at the right time, in the right place.
The sticky factor
GeoDirectory’s incredible database gives a further attraction for 11890 by delivering what online businesses call ‘stickiness’. By making your service more valuable to people they’ll keeping coming back. Your service becomes ‘sticky’. Users remember where they found information easiest and quickest. When customers like what they find they do the best thing they possibly could for a business – they endorse that service or product. They like what they find and they’re happy to tell the world “I’d use them again”.
Think how sticky GeoDirectory services could make your business.
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