We’ve collated and answered the most frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions please get in touch.

What is/Who are GeoDirectory?

What is GeoDirectory?

GeoDirectory is Ireland’s most authoritative electronic register of addresses - matched precisely to their geographical locations. Straightforward and easy to use, GeoDirectory's products have helped hundreds of businesses and organisations in Ireland in reaching out to exisitng and new customers, optimising their businesses and in strategic planning and decision making. Click here to find out more about GeoDirectory's business toolkit.

Who is behind GeoDirectory?

GeoDirectory is jointly developed by An Post and Tailte Éireann – two of the State’s most reliable institutions. Their years of experience and expertise have been combined to create a database of over 1.9 million buildings and 2.3 million addresses throughout Ireland.

What can GeoDirectory give you?

GeoDirectory gives companies and organisations the power to accurately know where both residential and business buildings are located in Ireland. GeoDirectory gives each property a standardised eight digit code. It classifies each building as being either residential or commercial. Each building is located to within a metre with pinpoint accuracy. GeoDirectory also gives further breakdowns of information such as townlands, electoral and county divisions. GeoBuilding Intel can provide detail on the buildings in an area. Learn more about the benefits of using GeoDirectory for your business here.

Is the data trustworthy and from a reliable source?

Yes. GeoDirectory combines An Post’s resources with the cutting-edge location technology of Tailte Éireann to deliver the most comprehensive and accurate database of over 2.3 million Irish addresses. 

GeoDirectory and GDPR

The An Post GeoDirectory database holds no personal information and therefore is unaffected by the General Data Protection Regulation.

How can I use GeoDirectory?

GeoDirectory helps businesses to operate more effectively. Our vast store of information is used to simplify the management of customer contact information and to identify potential new customers. GeoDirectory allows customers to provide internet location-based services or improve the efficiency and accuracy of delivery route design.

GeoDirectory is a powerful business tool that, alongside other data such as the national census or a company’s own customer profiles, can help identify the best sites for business location or pinpoint the most effective advertising sites or reveal geographical trends and patterns that can be visualised when displayed on a map. 

You will be amazed at what GeoDirectory can deliver. GeoDirectory is so powerful it can even identify target markets by income group, age profile, home ownership and other criteria (used in conjunction with Tailte Éireann data). Fnd out more here.

Does GeoDirectory offer a free trial?

We do not currently offer a free trial, however, you can contact us at info@geodirectory.ie or by clicking here to organise a free demonstration of our data toolkit.

How is GeoDirectory updated?

Every quarter An Post’s delivery staff is debriefed for ‘on the ground intelligence’. This is fed into a database by a dedicated team of support staff who are regular communication with local authority planning departments. This information is then geocoded by Tailte Éireann. We add in feedback from existing customers and then these updates are available to our existing clients free of charge.

No address database can ever remain static so every year GeoDirectory makes up to 600,000 changes (close a third of the database) as new buildings are constructed, addresses are amended or reclassified, as companies relocate and as new companies are established while others cease trading.

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Eircode FAQs

What is an Eircode?

Eircode is the official Postcode system for Ireland. The new postcode is a mix of Alphas and Numeric’s and is seven characters in length. 

The Eircode Postcode is divided into two parts a routing key and a unique identifier. The routing key is the first three characters representing the general area and the last four characters the unique identifier. An example of an Eircode Postcode is A65 R2GF. 

Does GeoDirectory supply Eircodes?

Yes, we are an official reseller of Eircodes. If you are currently using our products you can request for Eircodes to be included in your data by contacting us on 01 705 7005 or contact us here.

Is Eircode compulsory?

No, it is not compulsary to use.

I am building a new house, can I apply for an Eircode?

If you have all the necessary planning and commencement notice information in order and have started to build the house, with outer walls visible - then yes, you can apply for an Eircode for the property.

How do I apply for an Eircode?

To apply for an Eircode, simply click on this link https://www.geodirectory.ie/get-in-touch  and give us the address of the property you wish to register to receive an Eircode.
If possible, please include the Eircode of the building beside yours and/or the location co-oridinates for the property.

I wish to have a business name removed or changed on an Eircode

Simply click on this link https://www.geodirectory.ie/get-in-touch and provide the address and Eircode of the property in question and tell us what you want removed /amended off the Eircode. For example, I would like to remove Clancy’s Fireplaces from Eircode 1234xyz, 12 main Street Tullamore and have Mick’s Burgers added to it instead.

How long does it take to receive an Eircode?

At present Eircode update on a quarterly basis, that is every 12 weeks. At GeoDirectory we do our utmost to ensure all queries received before the deadline set for an update are forwarded on to Eircode.
Note: Only Eircode can create or amend an Eircode. Geodirectory merely pass on validated requests we receive, for Eircode to act upon.

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What's in a Dataset?

What are NACE codes?

NACE codes are a European wide business coding structure. We have approximately 500 codes which cover all industry types - from the High Street to industrial through to farming, and everything in between.

What is an Eircode?

Eircode is the official Postcode system for Ireland. The new postcode is a mix of Alphas and Numeric’s and is seven characters in length. 

The Eircode Postcode is divided into two parts a routing key and a unique identifier. The routing key is the first three characters representing the general area and the last four characters the unique identifier. An example of an Eircode Postcode is A65 R2GF. 

What are Postcodes?

As defined by the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a postcode is a ‘unique, universal identifier that unambiguously identifies the addressee’s locality and assists in the transmission and sorting of mail items’.

Does GeoDirectory supply Eircodes?

Yes, we are an official reseller of Eircodes. If you are currently using our products you can request for Eircodes to be included in your data by contacting us on 01 705 7005 or contact us here.

Is Eircode compulsory?

No, it is not compulsary to use.

What are geocodes and how can I use them?

A geocode is a reference number based on latitude and longitude (X,Y coordinates). GeoDirectory uses geocodes to precisely pinpoint the geographical location of buildings and other features of the landscape to within a metre of where it stands.

Using geocodes supplied by GeoDirectory, in conjunction with mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, individual buildings can be visually depicted on a map of Ireland to create sales territories, routing schedules, catchment areas and locations of current, new and prospective customers.

How many business addresses do you have?

We currently have address data for over 190,000 businesses.

What data is included in your business lists?

You can include the business name, address, NACE code, phone number and employee size, as well as emails, turnover & employee size, and location coordinates.

How much do business lists cost?

The cost of a list depends on what exactly you need. However, we are the most competitive in the market and will not be beaten on price. Contact us today to learn more about our various pricing packages at info@geodirectory.ie.

Do I have to pay every time I download a new business list?

Over a 12 month period you can use the lists as often as you like without additional costs.

GeoDirectory and Third Party Databases

The An Post GeoDirectory database holds no personal information. A purchaser of the GeoDirectory may subsequently combine the GeoDirectory database with their own or a third party database. It may occur in this case that the resulting database now contains personal information under the General Data Protection Regulation.

What does GeoDirectory ID mean?

A GeoDirectory ID is the unique reference number that GeoDirectory uses for addresses. This is used for any future query.

Are names of contacts included in the GeoAddress Online dataset?

No, we do not include contact names in the GeoAddress Online dataset.

Are phone numbers included in the GeoDirectory dataset?

Yes. We supply telephone numbers for businesses as an add on to your dataset, click here to start now.

What type of file does GeoAddress Online data come in?

Excel and CSV files.

Can you upload the GeoDirectory dataset to a CRM?

Yes, once data is downloaded from geodirectory.ie it can be uploaded seamlessly to a CRM system.

Where can I get the mapping and software?

GeoDirectory is supplied as a ‘flat file’. It is delivered in a format suitable for importing into any standard database and/or GIS package. Mapping products are available from Tailte Éireann.

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Troubleshooting / Fixing Issues

I still haven't received an email with my dataset, why?

Please ensure to check your SPAM folder. If you still having trouble accessing your dataset, please contact us at info@geodirectory.ie.

Is there a contract agreement on the datasets provided by GeoDirectory?

Yes. We have terms and conditions included in the contact that you must accept in order to use the data.

The unit that I occupy in an industrial estate does not seem to be on your database, how do I get it added?

Please submit the address via our contact us form and we will investigate your query further. Please be aware that address queries can take from a few weeks to a few months to resolve.

My business name has changed, how do I change it on the database?

Please submit the address as it currently appears and your proposed change via our contact us form and we will investigate your query further. Please be aware that address queries can take from a few weeks to a few months to resolve.

The spelling of my house name is incorrect, how do I change this?

Please submit the address as it currently appears and your proposed change via our contact us form and we will investigate your query further. Please be aware that address queries can take from a few weeks to a few months to resolve.

The personal name associated with my property is incorrect, how do I change it?

GeoDirectory do not hold any personal details on their database. Names are not associated with addresses.

There is a business name associated with my property but there is no business trading there, how do I get this removed?

Please submit the address as it currently appears via our contact us form and we will investigate your query further. Please be aware that address queries can take from a few weeks to a few months to resolve.

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