What do the following have in common: emergency services, parcel delivery services, pizzas and taxi companies, sat nav systems? Answer: they all use GeoDirectory – a complete database of every address and building in Ireland.
GeoDirectory, a company jointly formed by An Post and Tailte Éireann, supplies uniquely detailed and comprehensive information to all of these companies. This can help to reduce journey times, save fuel costs, cut the carbon emissions and deliver increased customer services.
The GeoDirectory database has information on every single building and address in Ireland. This is gathered through a combination of address information from the 5,000 strong delivery staff of An Post and the geographical information from Tailte Éireann. This means that GeoDirectory pinpoint every building whether a private or business address in the country to an exceptional degree of accuracy (one metre!!!).
One vital use of this information is by the Emergency Services. New estates may have two entrances and exits so knowing exactly where a particular address is, and how best to access it, saves time and lives in a crisis. According to Richard Sheehan, the Senior Executive Emergency Communications Officer for the Emergency Control Centre, “We needed to be sure that we were always identifying the exact property. We merged GeoDirectory with our own in-house addresses, which meant we were now able to identify the exact location of an incident. This information can then be used for fire planning and accident prevention.”
Another everyday example is the delivery of pizzas. Domino’s Pizza uses this database to make deliveries within their promised allotted time of 30 minutes. The fact that they always deliver, whether down a secluded cul-de-sac, a hidden lane, or into a huge apartment complex demonstrates the advantage of having this system in place. It is a good example for any supplier who is committed to delivering services into households and businesses. Jane Kimberlin of Domino’s Pizza explains, ‘‘The most critical part of our strategy was to make sure our Irish customers could easily find their delivery address for their pizza order on the Domino’s website. For a long time we searched to find a company which would be able to help us. Finally we found GeoDirectory.”
GeoDirectory General Manager Dara Keogh explains how companies can operate more effectively and swiftly with this accurate information. “Any company that has a significant distribution and delivery function should investigate the benefits of GeoDirectory, not least of which is a better use of drivers and other staff’s time. In an age where climate change is on everyone’s agenda, GeoDirectory can help a company reduce its carbon footprint through improved route optimisation and address location.”
GeoDirectory have also just recently been contracted by Cork Taxi Co-Op, which provide taxi and taxi courier services to over 800 Cork businesses.
“We are proud to say that we are the service the business community rely upon. We are currently formulating an ambitious business plan that will see us double fleet capacity to 200 licensed taxis within a short space of time. With our expanded fleet, GeoDirectory will allow us to improve journey times by accurately pinpointing addresses resulting improved customer service and satisfaction,” says Cork Taxi Co-Op Chairman, Christopher Kendellen.
The GeoDirectory database is transforming the way the logistics business is conducted in Ireland. It has helped businesses to:
- Establish online ordering services
- Slash mailing costs
- Streamline transportation
- Pinpoint potential new customers
- Conduct sophisticated market research
- Maintain accurate customer records
For further information visit www.geodirectory.ie where you can find case studies and a unique three-dimensional mapping facility.
Editors note:
GeoDirectory is a joint venture between An Post and Tailte Éireann. The database is updated quarterly by Tailte Éireann and An Post staff.
GeoDirectory is Ireland’s only complete commercial and residential buildings database. Many different companies and organisations use the database in a diverse range of applications.
For further information please contact:
Dan O’Boyle
Wilson Hartnell Public Relations
6 Ely Place,
Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 6690237
Mob: +353 87 1207842